
Sunday 11 June 2017

Best ever homeschool resource -Melinda Harrington

Best ever homeschool resource
-Melinda Harrington

(There's a video made by Marnie about this topic down below after you've read this post, or you could skip to it straight away!)


All homeschool families are different – now that’s an understatement! I’ve been lucky enough to visit with dozens of homeschool families over the years, and what I’ve noticed is
that different families value different types of resources and aides to help their children along with the home education journey.

I know some families really love the ABC’s Reading Eggs programme (an online interactive site for young children). Other families love their lego and let their children play for hours each day – creating, building, connecting and learning as they go. The public library is another place that I know many home school families just love to hang out at – it has everything they could possible want all in one place.

I remember visiting a family once who swore that the ipad they purchased for their son was the best investment they had ever made. Their son had made huge jumps in his basic literacy and numeracy using his ipad. Another family I know of bought an old, run down car for their son to tinker with – kept him occupied for months.

At different stages of my daughter’s life, different resources were more or less successful for us. I recall she was given three boxes of wooden off cuts for her birthday once – and I can’t tell you how much we used those boxes of wood for everything from history (building pyramids) to forces and motion workshops to sculptures or even to prop the garage door open. 

More recently the purchase of a camera and tripod has been the real ‘break through’ resource on her educational journey.

What have other families found to be a ‘best ever’ useful home school resource?

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1 comment:

  1. Our basket of wooden blocks was the best resource too, great for setting up scenes, counting and building adventures. As they have gotten older I am appreciating the internet more with all the great videos explaining concepts. We watched an amazing one on the fibronacci ratio this morning which could so easily be a boring and dry concept but it got us all talking.
